Sunday, April 12, 2020

Magic is in the Air

In astrology, the Magician's planet is Mercury which rules Gemini in the 3rd house. - associated with mind and communication, how we think speak, learn and listen

Today Mercury is in the 7th house: communication is strong, a lot of talking with friends and family and getting along with others 👪
You could also be feeling overwhelmed by all this communication, it may feel demanding and taxing. Find your space and journal your thoughts, communicate with yourself through writing or reading. Reading inspires the imagination to create pictures and connect thoughts, complimenting today's energy.

Our toes represents the element of Air and our heads. We want to open the toes to be better receive energy. we open them by massaging them, wiggling them around, stretching them apart as far as you can.
👣Sitting in a comfortable position. Place your right foot onto your left knee, this is the most comfortable position for most people, it doesn't matter how you sit, just as long as you can reach your toes with comfort.
👣Begin to massage your right big toe, with your thumb, move in circular motions from left to right,  once the pad of your big toe feels softer and more supple, move onto your 2nd toe - rotate it gently clockwise ↻ and then anti clockwise ↺, massage the top of your toe, the cushy under part of your toe, especially where it meets the phalanges, massage in between the toes - this stimulates and assists the lymphatics of the head to function more efficiently to drain toxins.
👣Do this for all your toes until you reach the small toe and swap legs, commencing same technique from the big toe to the little toe.

Be creative with your massaging techniques, the longer you massage the more beneficial it is to the blood flow, releasing stuck energy and enhancing the overall energy flow.

As you massage, remember to breath - on sensitive areas: inhale, lighten your pressure, and on the exhale, apply pressure.

Massage as long as and as many times as you need.

💚💧Drink lots of water, and remember to infuse your water with love and appreciation 💧💚

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