Sunday, April 14, 2019

I love Massage

Going for a massage is a way we can take charge of caring for ourselves; take responsibility for our Well-Being.

Our bodies are way more complex than we think. We are Physical, Electric, Energetic, Elemental and way more far beyond.

There are so many "new" discoveries being made about our body's functioning system, which is actually relating back to 'ancient' healing techniques - hereby I say, " history is repeating itself" 😉

 We are more than our physical bodies, we are so powerful and wonderfully constructed, its miraculous.

When we go for a massage, our intention is to be healed - to be relieved from an aching back, release tension headache or release muscular tension.
What most don't realize; massage unintentionally does more than that - it moves energy, its influences our emotions, it activates and hinders vital hormones, improves our metabolism; it moves Cerebral Spinal Fluid, which improves our bodily functions and supports our immune system. Massage improves the Lymphatic System which helps to reduce inflammation (which is caused by stress), calming the nervous system and thus supports optimal brain function, this in turn influences our auras and chakra energy centers.

Energy Healing is inevitably with a Massage. It's benefits go way beyond our mere understanding of muscular relaxation and improved circulation. So I encourage you, the next time you go for a massage, take a deep breath and know that you are on the path of Well-Being.


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