Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Daily Tarot


(1) In Self Expression: King of Fire
We are in focus mode today. We have deep commitment and dedication propelling us forward.
"don't delay, move forward with enthusiasm"

(2) In Moody Moon, Feelings and intuition: Seven of Air
Revise your thoughts, , today is a case of 'feeling things through'. we may be unaware of our situation or oblivious to the actions of others. we are encouraged to be aware of our feelings today.

(the K.o.F and 7.o.A are guiding us to focus on developing a strategy for reaching our goals)

(3) Jupiter and Rational understanding: Six of Earth
Jupiter's qualities are based on ideas about growth and expansion. it represents a positive attitude and belief in limitless opportunities. 6.o.E is about sharing abundance and rewards. We will get what is coming to us, graciously accept what is given and be generous (within means) in return.

(4) Foundation, practical and orderliness: Two of Fire
2.o.F represents the beginning stages of an ambitious plan. Launch of partnership venture. Move forward carefully  with goals in mind and allow for gradual unfolding of events. Think things through carefully and ask for advice from those who you trust the most - we could be seeking advice from the 'King of Fire' - a charismatic, charming and inspiring speaker who is able to motivate people to do amazing things.

(9) Planet Mars and Ideals: Ace of Air
Mars represents the energy we need to spark into action, it is our image of masculinity. Mars needs challenges.
A.o.A encourages us to move forward, even though the 'road' will be bumpy, we should just go for it! and the energy of mars encourages this momentum. What ever is being contemplated will need to be pursued directly and with determination.

In conclusion:
Today is about focusing, revising your thoughts - thinking things through carefully, seek advice from someone you trust, to ground yourself, and go for it with courage.

(please feel free to share your views, keep it friendly in light and love 💚)

Beautiful Day
Lots of Love and Light

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