Monday, October 28, 2019

Reading for Bonnie

The Knight of Air

Reading for Bonnie

For matters concerning your work, I pulled the Knight of Air. He is intellegent, decisive, idealistic and tireless. He is fast and swift. His energy coincides with the current energy: fast, fast, fast....

I feel based on our conversation that you unsure about your work, you are your own boss, you love what you do, but you feel the matter is dire, you not so sure about yourself anymore. You are questioning your self. Well good news is that this is how you are supposed to feel..
Mercury, the planet of communication, rules the knight of Air and is currently in the sign of scorpio. Mercury who is a swift mover is feeling constricted in scorpio and I don't think he knows whats going on right now because he cannot move or communicate under the serious energy of Scorpio - does this sound familiar to you? πŸ˜‰

The New moon in Scorpio is opposite to Uranus in Taurus - this energy stirring up some emotions within you, making you question your values and ingrained habit patterns - are you questioning your life style? Other than the fact that you are already in this "stuck" energy, you need to quiet your mind. Stop communication, slow down and meditate, meditate.

You are very gifted in what you do, I see the knight here holding on to the reins of the unicorn, but in no way pulling on them or making forceful moves, yet they are in unison... be calm dear one, meditation is very important for you right now. And Focus: focus on your goal with out distractions; distractions being doubt, worry and basically any fear-based-energy can be distractions - clean these negative energies (I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me and Thank you)

Take note of your energy, notice what is causing you loss of energy or that which makes you feel awesome. Become aware, tune in, listen, relax and just be. Just for now, sit on the Unicorn and let him lead the way as he represents wisdom and is in the pursuit of your dreams.
Unicorns bring the energy of transmutation (passing through boundaries), spiritual sight (see past illusions, until the truth is revelled) and manifestation (turning your imaginations into reality)

πŸ’šStop πŸ’š Receive message πŸ’š Move on

from the "Wisdom of the Hidden Realms"
The Spiral Dancer in challenger
You may feel you are going the wrong direction, now is the time to regroup, relax and rest for a while until the rhythm calls you to dance again. you will know the truth about the matter clearly if you sit this dance out and just observe.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Believe in Yourself

The Star: 
She speaks about hopes, desires, dreams and visions. She inspires us to "wish upon a star". She foretells improvement, healing and changes for the better.

She is ruled by Aquarius ♒ the water-bearer: dispensing a gift that flows freely and equally to all, representing creation and the giving of life.

Body Part ruled by ♒: Circulatory system, 

The Circulatory System 
It is a network consisting of blood, blood vessels and the heart. It supplies the tissues in the body with oxygen and other nutrients, transports hormones and removes unnecessary waste products.

•Spiritually it represents the ability to feel and express the emotions in positive ways.

•Experiencing circulatory problems means you suppress feeling positive as you have made negative associations with joy and positive emotions. 

•Your life feels unsupported and you feel challenged when confronted with responsibilities. 

•People in your life project what kind of support you need, causing you to feel controlled and frustrated. 

•You feel safest when isolated from others. its challenging for you to express your needs.

The Ankles:
They represent the ability to receive pleasure.
Our ankles and feet are used to physically and emotionally move forward. Feeling any sort of restraint on the ankles is an indication of fear of consequences related to change. 

The Star card, is encouraging you to step forward and allow for change. 
Your abilities to make decisions may have been suppressed in your past by people who you looked up to, who didn't support your decisions, leaving you to doubt your abilities to be successful and make changes easily.

We are Spirits having a Human Experience; look up to the stars and know you are supported and guided. Allow yourself the opportunity to be guided by your Inner Spirit. It is easier said than done, but the step forward can be liberating and refreshing πŸ˜‡
You deserve to rejoice in life and accept the pleasures life has to offer.

The front lower leg between knee and ankle.
They represent the standards we have set for our lives.
Experiencing shin-splints or discomfort in this area means you don't feel worthy of your ideal standards. You feel weak and you don't want others to see your weaknesses. 
Failure is not an option to you, and thus have placed immense pressure on yourself to achieve your goals, and denying your personal needs. 
An aspect of your personality feels like a fraud and you fear of being caught out and rejected.

Ignore those voices of doubt and down-talk, you are perfect exactly where you are standing right now. You are living up to your highest standards, do so with love and joy πŸ’š

Massage Tip:

Concentrate this week on your legs, especially ankles and shins. Massage in general improves the body's Circulatory System, deep Effleurage helps to move blood around, it speeds it up where circulation is slow, and slows it down where it is going too fast.
Massaging the ankles and shins stimulates and balances the Stomach, Spleen, Bladder and Kidney Meridians, it helps to bring balance where there are imbalances.  A meditative state where the mind is still, can accelerate the body to heal itself. Continual thoughts of worry and anxiety is taxing on the body. Live from your Spirit, detach from limiting believes and wish upon a star ⭐

Meridian:          Emotional Imbalance:          Physical Imbalance:          When Balanced:
Stomach           Anxiety, worry, mistrust,            abdominal pain,                Fairness, openness, caring.
                         poor confidence.                           digestive problems.

Spleen             Worry, strong concern of             Digestive and stomach      Fairness, openness, deep
                         others opinions,                          problems.                           thinking and reminiscence,
                        low self-esteem.                                                                        self-esteem.

Bladder           Lack of energy, fearful,          headaches, backaches,              Hopeful, looking forward,
                       inflexibility, resisting              urinary problems.                        calm and peaceful.

Kidney           fear, paranoia, loneliness,        abdominal pain.                   Wisdom, rationality, clear
                       depression, insecurity.                                                             perception, gentleness, 
                                                                                                                          self understanding.

Louise Hay: you can heal your life.
Evette Rose: Metaphysical Anatomy, vol. 1
The Body Meridians

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Setting Boundaries with the Small Intestine

The function of the Small Intestine is to receive and transform food by separating the pure from the impure, it also does so on a metaphysical level with our thoughts and beliefs.

In Chinese medicine the S.I is Yang to the Heart's Yin
↪Matters of the Heart ♡ influences the S.I, it is the Heart's ♡ protector and it's energy enables us to understand experiences and determine healthy boundaries. 

The Element of the Small Intestine is Fire πŸœ‚
Fire πŸœ‚ = Heat. Gives Life, Warmth, Empathetic, Joyful and Happy 😊πŸ”₯
(πŸƒ Fire People are confident, adventurous, passionate)
But Fire in Stress can turn Joy and Happiness into Panic and Hysteria.

 The S.I meridian starts at the small finger, moves up the arm, across the shoulder, over the scapula and rises over the side of the neck - an area mostly massaged on, as most people experience discomfort in this area due to stress.

Emotionally a stiff neck represents uneasiness within oneself. Refusing to see other sides of a question, stubbornness and inflexibility. 

Point specific to the Small Intestine, tension in this area could result from Communication Blocks with Influential People and Feeling Misunderstood, unable to understand one's personally boundaries (when is it safe to say No or Yes)
Emotions of tension, stress, worry, fear and uncertainty causes the S.I to become imbalanced, and a stress S.I causes one to experience more stress, tension and worry.

Emotional influence of the S.I
• feelings of being pulled in many directions
• unable to make clear decisions
• feeling restless, anxious and moody
• abdominal pain
• bloating
• gas
• weakness / fatigue
• sluggish gut

To bring The S.I back into Balance and Harmony

☺️ Diet:
Introduce:                                   Reduce:
Apples                                        Spicy foods
Bananas                                      Sugar
Dates                                          Salt
Figs                                            Vinegar
Celery                                         Dairy
Onions                                        Eggs
Aloe Vera
Green Tea
(Medical Medium Life-Changing Foods has amazing insights about fruits and vegetables, he expresses their Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Properties and how they can help heal our bodies.) 

Massage πŸ™Œ

Meditation and Deep Breathing
Meditation helps to calm the mind, 5 - 10 min of being in a state of not thinking can actually help you concentrate and think more clearly about matters, Calm Deep Breathing helps for the obvious reason of bringing more oxygen to the body aiding all cells to nourish and heal themselves. The natural movement of breathing moves the Diaphragm, influencing the movement of the Digestive system. 

☺️ Affirmations: πŸ’¬
Affirmations are small prayers that we repeat to influence our Subconscious Mind - everything we see and perceive impresses the Subconscious, when we consciously react to a stress factor, the idea of that fear becomes impressed in our Subconscious, so when we are faced with a stressed factor again and again, the subconscious triggers the memory from the past experience and we 'relive' that fear emotion, regardless of the severity of the stress factor.

 Adverse Appearances Work For My Good, For God Utilizes Every Person And Every Situation To Bring To Me My Heart's Desire  -  Florence Scovel Shinn
I Easily Assimilate And Absorb All That I Need To Know And Release The Past With Joy  -  Louise Hay 

Sunday, April 14, 2019

I love Massage

Going for a massage is a way we can take charge of caring for ourselves; take responsibility for our Well-Being.

Our bodies are way more complex than we think. We are Physical, Electric, Energetic, Elemental and way more far beyond.

There are so many "new" discoveries being made about our body's functioning system, which is actually relating back to 'ancient' healing techniques - hereby I say, " history is repeating itself" πŸ˜‰

 We are more than our physical bodies, we are so powerful and wonderfully constructed, its miraculous.

When we go for a massage, our intention is to be healed - to be relieved from an aching back, release tension headache or release muscular tension.
What most don't realize; massage unintentionally does more than that - it moves energy, its influences our emotions, it activates and hinders vital hormones, improves our metabolism; it moves Cerebral Spinal Fluid, which improves our bodily functions and supports our immune system. Massage improves the Lymphatic System which helps to reduce inflammation (which is caused by stress), calming the nervous system and thus supports optimal brain function, this in turn influences our auras and chakra energy centers.

Energy Healing is inevitably with a Massage. It's benefits go way beyond our mere understanding of muscular relaxation and improved circulation. So I encourage you, the next time you go for a massage, take a deep breath and know that you are on the path of Well-Being.


Thursday, April 4, 2019

Daily Tarot


(1) Self Expression (relationship to the outside world): 6 of Pentacles:
Try to be fair of find a 'good deal' today, make sure you are being fair and being treated fairly.

(2) Feelings, Moods and intuition: The Chariot
I feel their will be movement/positive progress in the way you feel today, your intuitive feelings could be taking you on a 'journey'. you are in "sharing mode" and feeling this moves your moods and feelings. You are in the driver seat of your feelings, the outcome is in your hands. 

(4) Foundation, practical and orderliness: 10 of Pentacles
The energy of 4 is "the dedicated worker" - organized, responsible and focused.
Uranus grants at its best a balanced and inspiring spirit.
You may find your organizing abilities today are going well; excellent structure and all is good. You could find yourself in the right place at the right time, Playing the role in society that suits your desires.

(9) Ideals: The Emperor IV (note: today is the 4th of the 4th and the reading ends on the IV note :) Oh happy day :))
Yes! Your are happy about your Ideals, you conquered!
the Emperor sits on his throne, behind him is Rocky cliffs, he is on the planet Mars and he has conquered.

In conclusion:
Today is a great day, for sharing and being fair, moving in new directions, finding ground and conquering your quest!

Have a Great Day
In Love and Light πŸ’—

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Out of this World

I love Barbra, she is so pure of heart, and her abilities to channel through with Pleiadians is awesome. 

Sharing this, hope it resonates with you in Love and Light

Barbra Goldsmith Pleiadians Message 2019-2020 

Daily Tarot


(1) In Self Expression: King of Fire
We are in focus mode today. We have deep commitment and dedication propelling us forward.
"don't delay, move forward with enthusiasm"

(2) In Moody Moon, Feelings and intuition: Seven of Air
Revise your thoughts, , today is a case of 'feeling things through'. we may be unaware of our situation or oblivious to the actions of others. we are encouraged to be aware of our feelings today.

(the K.o.F and 7.o.A are guiding us to focus on developing a strategy for reaching our goals)

(3) Jupiter and Rational understanding: Six of Earth
Jupiter's qualities are based on ideas about growth and expansion. it represents a positive attitude and belief in limitless opportunities. 6.o.E is about sharing abundance and rewards. We will get what is coming to us, graciously accept what is given and be generous (within means) in return.

(4) Foundation, practical and orderliness: Two of Fire
2.o.F represents the beginning stages of an ambitious plan. Launch of partnership venture. Move forward carefully  with goals in mind and allow for gradual unfolding of events. Think things through carefully and ask for advice from those who you trust the most - we could be seeking advice from the 'King of Fire' - a charismatic, charming and inspiring speaker who is able to motivate people to do amazing things.

(9) Planet Mars and Ideals: Ace of Air
Mars represents the energy we need to spark into action, it is our image of masculinity. Mars needs challenges.
A.o.A encourages us to move forward, even though the 'road' will be bumpy, we should just go for it! and the energy of mars encourages this momentum. What ever is being contemplated will need to be pursued directly and with determination.

In conclusion:
Today is about focusing, revising your thoughts - thinking things through carefully, seek advice from someone you trust, to ground yourself, and go for it with courage.

(please feel free to share your views, keep it friendly in light and love πŸ’š)

Beautiful Day
Lots of Love and Light

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Holistic Massage

Holistic Massage

A Massage that focuses on the Well-Being of the Whole Body. 
A combination of Deep Muscle-Manipulation, light Stretches to release frozen joints, encouraging flexibility and Deep Breathing to complement the body's natural healing potential. The focus being on specific areas of discomfort and moving with  your body's natural rhythm to restore alignment.

What is Reflexology


Reflexology is the manipulation of the pressure points of the Soles of the feet, to treat specific or general body disorders.
Stimulation of these trigger points encourages the body to work naturally and restore its own healthy balance.
It's a wonderful Treatment whether you're seeking general mind/ body/soul balancing or specifically want to treat disorders such as backache, migraines/tension headaches, insomnia /sleep disorders, stress related disorders, or digestive problems.
Reflexology has wonderful healing results when treatments are weekly and done as long as it takes for the body to heal itself

Reflexology Chart

How Massage becomes Healing

Daily Tarot

As an Astrology, Numerology and Tarot enthusiast. I designed this chart from books and information I had studied. 
Its a fun way to do personal readings and associate it with the energy of the numbers and the planets.
Chart Expressions

Today's Date: 02/04/2019

(1) The "personality" of the day is Six of Air
"Things are Looking up! The end of a difficult situation. Things are looking up"
Today will have movement, you will notice that something you have been struggling with, will be clear today. A day relief.

(2) On the Intuitive and feeling plane, Queen of Air
I see her looking at a crystal ball and within it, she sees a Unicorn, the energy of the Unicorn indicates spiritual sight, seeing past all illusions. 
the Queen holds inner peace that has been earned from handling past experiences. She is wise, independent, experienced and witty.

(4) Foundations: Seven of Fire
"Stand your Ground! Defend your Beliefs and Decisions" 
#4 being foundations brings with it the energy of orderliness, practicality and organizing. to bring orderliness to your day, its important to defend that which is true to you. If opposing ideas do represent themselves today, be considerate of them and direct your focus to what is important to you.

(9) Ideals (definition: a model of something perfect, it describes the idea of perfection).
Four of Earth is the four of pentacles. Are we holding onto our money, or earthly possessions or are we saving it, protecting it, are we comfortable or anxious and holding tightly to what we have?
Mars, associated with #9, represents the energy we need to spark into action. 
Allow your intuition to help know which extreme the card is referring to.
(I have recently become self employed, I registered my business, quit my part-time job to be fully engaged in my life's passion; Holistic Massage Therapy and Tarot Reading. my ideal today has come to fruition, neither am I spending nor saving, I am enjoying my physical comfort, my domain is my kingdom :))  

The day starts with positive movement, we are in tune with our intuition, knowing that which we truly desire, we are standing firm to that which is true to us, and now consider your ideal; what does the Four of Earth mean to you? if you are feeling anxious, know that we are co-creators with Spirit, and you are being guided today release that which no longer serves you - Let the Queen of Air remind you of the wisdom you hold within you; make an objective decision and see the humor in situations unfolding today :) 

lots of Love and Light
