Friday, February 3, 2017

Mind Your Own Business 

I want to talk about the need to control in order to feel good. It's stating the obvious that only you can allow yourself to feel good, yet, in a moment, you force a condition to change in order to feel good.

You want a better government, better education, better boss, better friends to do what pleases your ideas, family to understand you... ask yourself dear one, and, it's being asked of you:
"Who do you think you are?"
What is your Ideal? what is your inner most believe of yourself?  (the keyword being yourself!)
What do you believe of yourself? have you spoken to yourself lately?
Well, its time you answer yourself, and be mindful of your own business.
We are here to serve other people, we are here to give and give and give, (in contrast to giving, if all humankind just gave and gave and gave, there would be an endless amount of receiving, receiving, receiving).
It is time to stop, breathe and release the absolute need to control others to justify your own glory...

A war-time motto: no guts no glory.
Do you have enough guts to settle the war within your heart and mind?
Do you have the guts to come to the full awareness that you are not a sheepy sheep who needs to be led in a flock?
Do you have the guts to know that you are a co-creator with God, our ever Divine Source of All That Is.
Do you have the guts to practice non-judgmental thoughts and just observe with love that which is around you, and, do you have the guts to look in the mirror and say:
"I love you! I matter, I am a powerful co-creator with God, the essence that is in Me and I am important, therefore, in contrast, it is safe for me to allow others to express themselves as I know they too have their connection with Divine God Source, I believe in my Ideals and I am one with God and All That Is" Giving God the Glory!

Your inner need to suppress others, is a clear indication that you are feeling suppressed by your own Ideas, and looking for a 'power-high' to justify your "ideas" ; to feel good about yourself, simply because you don't know or recognize your Ideal.

Extract from Edgar Cayce's 'Handbook for creating your future'

"Ideas are not the same as Ideals, although it's easy to confuse them. Religion can be a rich source of spiritual ideals, but when zealots force their religion onto others with a "You must believe" attitude, they confuse their religion's ideals with human ideas. One way of understanding the difference between the two is to think of ideas - thoughts, for example - as things. this notion is useful because you can own material things and your ideas are a kind of possession. When you persuade others to accept them, you increase the value of your ideas, the more people you persuade to agree with your ideas, the more power and security you derive from them. Therefore, 'convert or die' has been the battle cry of every religious war in history as well as the motto of every religious zealot.
Ideals, by contrast, are not possessions. You cannot own an ideal - quite the contrary. For an ideal to become effective in your life, you must allow it to own you. for example, you can have very strong ideas about Jesus and work hard to push them onto others, but until you allow forgiveness and tolerance to influence your thoughts, feelings and actions directly, you have not accepted this ideal. By giving yourself to an ideal or value, you allow it to change you."

Sending You a lot of Love
Be You
Thought of the day:
Someone else's fuckedup-ness is your awareness, thank them in love.
To Ever Being One with All That Is

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