Thursday, April 16, 2020

The intention here was so to give a general reading for guidance. 
I chose four cards from four different pacts.
Choose the number your resonate with and read below the meanings of your chosen pack.
I can only say what I feel, by no means is my say the final say. I encourage you to look at the pictures and let your creative imagination inspire your intuitiveness to pull from it an even deeper meaning. 

Beloved Mother, Father God, Divine Infinite Spirit
Allow this reading to illuminate our path and guide our soul to your Light.
I set the intention that whatever is revealed to us, is for the Divine purpose of guidance and for the Highest good of all.
There are no mysteries in the Kingdom. Whatever we should know will be revealed to us, under grace.


There is a desire to seek spiritual enlightenment.
Here one needs to serve as the means for the manifestation of intelligence.

Fields of Dreams in reverse
Are your dreams and desires your own? Asses the validation of your dreams and your talents. Are you being true to your values? Be your authentic self and allow your Field of Dreams to grow by its natural virtue of who you are.

Meditate and pray and offer your services to those in need, spend time in nature. There is bliss in devoting yourself to Spirit.

Message from your Angels and Ancestors
Direction Guardian
"Connect with your deepest desires, then choose the path that will make your heart and soul sing".


Queen of Earth
She has stability and a strong foundation, she has a strong external form and dwells in the realms of materialism. She is the mother that will care for you, and will always make sure you have enough clothes and food. She is ever alert, albeit her loving nature, don't take her for granted. She has a scheming mentality, and her penetrating power of her mind is great. She can help you deal with challenges regarding your finances and having your needs met.

(here I feel the Queen of Earth is setting the tone for your materialistic and earthy needs, she's not much of a spiritual lady, but she knows how to live well)

Cleaning House in reverse
The picture looks very bleak, what thoughts of lack are you harboring?
Cleaning house = Cleaning your house and cleaning your mind - make it shiny again, let go of anything that does not serve you, or that which is broken and old beyond its worth. Turn your thoughts from "rags" to "riches".
("life consists in what a man is thinking all day" - Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Sit in stillness with the truth, remove the cobwebs of your limiting self.

Message from your Angels and Ancestors
"Embrace the change that is on the horizon, allow your dreams to become a reality"


Nine of Air
A very intellectual individual, thinking all the time, yet the problem is you lack force of will, you may be feeling hesitant to make a move and face the issue at hand, and may be thinking of ways how to delay things. (over thinking at its best)
Affirmation: "There is no there - there is only here. And here the Divine Plan of my life cannot be tampered with. It is incorruptible and indestructible. It awaits only my recognition"

Unexpected Visitors
"If you expect the unexpected, you'll be prepared for miracles"
Sometimes the best plans are waylaid by unforeseen circumstances. Detours may seem inconvenient, but there is a plan for your life - it may not match up with your agenda and Spirit knows that you may not comprehend it for now.... Just know that life is full of surprises - expect the unexpected and delight yourself in the unraveling.

A deity - god of new beginnings and remover of obstacles.
Roadblocks do not exist outside of you, they are fluctuations of the mind. When you calm your wavering mind, you are able to overcome any obstacle. Ganesha will continue to bring you good luck, success and harmony as long as you hold the awareness of your true consciousness as bliss.

Message from your Angels and Ancestors
Magick Guardian
Stop looking outside yourself and recognize that you have incredible power within.
take time and recognize that you are a powerful and magical person with the capacity and ability to direct your intentions and manifest your desires. Own your power, acknowledge it. You have the ability to dedicate yourself to a goal and make it happen. you are being guided to recognize this spiritual gift you have inside of you.


Page of Air
You have new focus and new idea, but you really don't know it or how to go about it yet. You are being called to investigate a little deeper. 

Dragon's Lair
Tread carefully and be aware of your surroundings, you are about to enter dangerous territory. But! be curious, and don't be afraid of the challenge that lies before you. This experience will test your courage; the choice is yours whether or not to move forward, but! there is greater value in risk taking than remaining unchallenged.

Powerful, Strong-willed and Feisty.
You are feeling determined, you know what you want and the fire in you is set under your seat to achieve it. Your goal is set and you are focused on the task in hand. You are ready to transform the world with your actions. 

Message from your Angels and Ancestors
Father Sky
"Trust your path is unfolding exactly as it needs to."
You are the co-creator of your life, and every feeling, thought, intention and emotion you have is creating your experience, however, we cannot always know every detail that will unfold before us. Even though you are fully ready to take risks, you are being guided to take a step back, and look at things from a higher perspective. There is a greater power that is within you and Father Sky is creating the best experience imaginable for you. Know that he is lovingly leading you forward.

As much as you are ready to take action, you are being protected from making "mistakes".
I know when I have set a goal - I am so determined to reach that goal, I forget that there are other factors in play that I need to know about before reaching my goal successfully. 
Its helpful to know where the risks are, then take them on.
Pitta reminds you to stay true to you intuition. Allow Father Sky to guide you through your gut feelings. Follow your gut feelings. 

Monday, April 13, 2020

Peace Flows Through Me

We allow ourselves to be calm and contented as well as confident. 
We are now able to to observe what we have built through dedication and hard work. We have achieved mastery and inherited treasures of knowledge and experience appreciation to all we have been through.

Today's tip is inspired by the 10 of Earth - Virgo in Mercury. 
Virgo represents the Solar Plexus and therefore the assimilating and distributing functions of the human body i.e the digestive system.

We going to massage the Colon

 To stimulate the Colon, 
👣Begin on the right foot, from where the arrows begin to move up.
👣Massage with your finger or thumb (which ever is more comfortable), in small circular motions. 👣Move up and across - as indicated by the arrows on the picture. (Massage this path 3/4 times, or until the colon path feels softer and more supple)
👣Now move onto the left foot, starting from the inside of the foot, massage towards the outer-side, down and across towards the center again. (follow the arrows). Repeat the path until the area feels softer and more supple.

If the area is very sensitive, begin off by massaging softly, slowly increase your pressure as you begin to feel relieve in the area.

Deep  breathes in and out is very essential during this massage. It helps to move the diaphragm, stimulating the colon's natural peristalsis movement. 

💛Drink water and as you drink, imagine it being yellow golden light flowing down into your colon, cleansing it and healing it. 

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Magic is in the Air

In astrology, the Magician's planet is Mercury which rules Gemini in the 3rd house. - associated with mind and communication, how we think speak, learn and listen

Today Mercury is in the 7th house: communication is strong, a lot of talking with friends and family and getting along with others 👪
You could also be feeling overwhelmed by all this communication, it may feel demanding and taxing. Find your space and journal your thoughts, communicate with yourself through writing or reading. Reading inspires the imagination to create pictures and connect thoughts, complimenting today's energy.

Our toes represents the element of Air and our heads. We want to open the toes to be better receive energy. we open them by massaging them, wiggling them around, stretching them apart as far as you can.
👣Sitting in a comfortable position. Place your right foot onto your left knee, this is the most comfortable position for most people, it doesn't matter how you sit, just as long as you can reach your toes with comfort.
👣Begin to massage your right big toe, with your thumb, move in circular motions from left to right,  once the pad of your big toe feels softer and more supple, move onto your 2nd toe - rotate it gently clockwise ↻ and then anti clockwise ↺, massage the top of your toe, the cushy under part of your toe, especially where it meets the phalanges, massage in between the toes - this stimulates and assists the lymphatics of the head to function more efficiently to drain toxins.
👣Do this for all your toes until you reach the small toe and swap legs, commencing same technique from the big toe to the little toe.

Be creative with your massaging techniques, the longer you massage the more beneficial it is to the blood flow, releasing stuck energy and enhancing the overall energy flow.

As you massage, remember to breath - on sensitive areas: inhale, lighten your pressure, and on the exhale, apply pressure.

Massage as long as and as many times as you need.

💚💧Drink lots of water, and remember to infuse your water with love and appreciation 💧💚

Friday, April 10, 2020

Replenish your Energy

Inspiring Card: The Wheel

The planet inspiring the wheel is Jupiter - planet of fortune and luck.

There are good vibes today, you are optimistic and in a good mood; you may feel a little lazy and in need to replenish your energy to be able to move forward with ease.

Support yourself today with a relaxing bath.
*half cup of course sea salt or Himalayan salt
*10 drops of favorite essential oil
*cup of milk
Run your bath, pour in salt, once your bath is perfect to your desired temperature and you are ready to get in, mix the essential oil in the milk and pour into the bath. place candles and crystals around you, and set the intention of surrounding yourself with supporting energy from the Universe. allow yourself to fully relax and let yourself ease into the moment, letting go of any thoughts of trouble you may have. know that you are safe and totally supported by Universal Love

If you do not have a bath, simply use the same ingredients for a foot soak. Find a comfortable place to sit, surround yourself with your favorite crystals, candles or smells. soak your feet, sit back and set the intention of light surrounding you; and through your feet, your whole body energy is being is stimulated and nourished. Know you are safe and completely supported by Love and Light.

💧 Drink water, energized with appreciation and love to further nourish your energy body.

Give yourself a general foot massage, giving particular attention to the painful areas. Massage these areas gently and be aware of your breathing, visualize yourself releasing the pain as you are breathing out and breath in Light
✨ inspiring ease of pain. Give your feet love and support them by resting and relaxing with your feet in the air. 😁👣

Love Your Body - Louise Hay
👣I Love My Feet 👣
I have such wonderful understanding. I stand firmly rooted in the Truth. My understanding of myself and others and of life is continuously growing. I am nourished by Mother Nature and the Universal Intelligence teaches me all I need to know. I walk upon this planet save and secure, moving forward toward my greater good. I move with ease through time and space. I choose the thoughts that create a wonderful future, and I move into it. I love and appreciate my beautiful feet.

🕯 Shabbat Shalom 🕯

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Five of Fire

Five of Fire

Leo in Saturn

Leo signifies the heart of man and represents the circulatory system of the body.
Intellectually, Leo signifies the sympathies of the heart; the are extremely generous, they have the natural ability to arouse the sympathetic feelings of those around them. 

Saturn signifies silent meditation, and represents the senses and powers of hearing and listening.

With this said, arouse your heart's emotions. Allow others to speak and allow yourself to listen and hear them from your hearts perspective "I love". Is what they saying making your heart cringe and you want to roar at them like a mad lion or do you feel calm? calmly taking it in, circulating what you need to hear to help you attain a better understanding?

5 is the number representing freedom of expression. 

meditate and quiet your mind, to hear the inspirations of the soul.

Saturn is in the Sixth house today. House of service and health:
good point 👍: there is a quality of admiration in the air
bad point 👎: there are limitations and obstacles beyond your control.

Reflexology points:
Massage the heart reflex, (see my reflexology chart) 

Meditate 🧘‍♂️: 
🧘‍♂️Take deep cleansing breathes, breathe in deeply through your nose, feel the air flow down to your lungs, down to your stomach (let it expand), down to the base of your spine.
slowly breathe out, contract your stomach towards your spine and pull in your sphincter muscle. 
🧘‍♂️place your focus on your heart, visualize a beautiful green light fill your chest area, in and around. 
🧘‍♂️hold the vision for as long as you can. 


Reflexology Chart