Wednesday, March 25, 2020

A Course in Miracles

VI. The rewards of God

In Paragraph 2, its written that we are indebted to our brothers, and that acting egoistically towards each other we are throwing away the 'graciousness of our indebtedness and the holy perception it would produce' - what does this mean?

 I pulled the Page Of Earth and this is what I understood - we are 'pages' (youths) in the Kingship of the Divine,
we are still learning and in service of the the Divine.
"how can I serve?" How can I serve you God? How can I serve you in your Kingship of Divine?
(I learned from Wayne Dryer that we should always ask "how can I serve?")
So the indebtedness = to be in service of my brother... to act from a place of unconditional love towards my brothers, this service will undoubtedly allow knowledge to flow through us.
The next card I pulled was the Empress - she is serving the animal kingdom here - in service to mother nature, and what is so beautiful to me, is that she is in honour of her duty, she is holding a golden staff, the animals are surrounding her, abundance surrounds her - the waterfall behind her is knowledge flowing.

CIM: "as you learn how much you are indebted to the whole Sonship, you come as close to knowledge as perception can. The gap is then so small that knowledge can easily flow across it and obliterate it forever."

With this read and said, I pulled the Emperor - amazing - 
being 'in service' to our brothers means we rise above our ego and we are able to be blessed, knowledge flows through us and we become leaders of our domain, we gain structure and discipline; graciousness; through this knowledge that flows through us when we open ourselves to be 'In Service' of our brothers.

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