Saturday, March 28, 2020

Looking into My Mirror

Oh my... Its not at all easy to see someone so different from yourself, with different values and try to understand this is a reflection of you. - my ego wants to jump through the roof. I want to shout out "not everything is about you!!" to this other person, BUT the thing is... this 'other' person is my reflection!

Now that I can't do massage, I am focusing on my other passion, which is Card Reading and my boyfriend is PUSHING ME with hard words of encouragement to start reading for money already.
He is left and I am right... I am spiritual, creative and holistic - I'm thinking about creative ways to be  of service, I feel I need to take my time with this. He is plain logic - if he thinks it can be done then it should have been done long time ago!

I feel I will be guided at the right moment - by no means am I sitting and doing nothing, I am getting as much information as I can about my new venture; reading and sifting through information, but then I am also thinking - can he be right, have I been wasting time? 

So with all this going down, I have to now think "what is my boyfriend telling me that I need to tell myself here?"

I can begin to focus on that which is wanting and that which is not.
I am wanting to be full throttle ahead and driven by my ambition, I want it to be done in perfect and divine time.
There is no doubt in my mind that it will not be done! my online business will happen. My boyfriends hard words of encouragement is helping me send rockets of desire into my vortex - I just have to get into vibrational alignment.... and this is the thing that has not happened yet.

To understand the situation a little better. I am going to shuffle my cards and search for the 2 Of Air, the card to the right will be me and the left my boyfriend/reflection.

                                                      left                                                                         right

On the Left, the Hermit: This guy is telling me to connect to my deeper feelings about my new venture, look within and get on with it - my boyfriends exact words. My inner knowing is that it will happen. By meditating, I can get myself into vibrational alignment with my desire. (my boyfriends strong feelings (hard encouragement) is the Hermit's lamp - fire can burn you but it is also be the source of light).
On the Right: 7 of Fire: Mars in Leo.
I posses the force and drive to put things into action. I can be impulsive and hot blooded, me reacting to my inner knowing will not serve me well. It is safe for me to stay true to my beliefs, I will still do all the research and  you-tubing I can, but it is time for me now to take action.  

In conclusion:
There was no fight with my 'reflection' - through my boyfriend came my understanding that I already know what to do - take action, get into vibrational alignment and be true to myself in the process. This is my moment.
(the 2 of Air is also means "Lord of Peace Restored" from Tarot and Astrology - The Moon graces Libra with a gift of reflection, acceptance and understanding)


Friday, March 27, 2020

A Course in Miracles
VI. The rewards of God continue.......

Be Grateful to each other, Appreciate your brothers - the reward is so much far greater.

Us people; human beings; people of the Earth; manifestations of Love; are all One and from the One Universal Divine Energy.
We are all reflections of one another. What I see in you, I see in myself... The pain we see in another is the pain we feel and hold within ourselves.

I believe this is the beauty of God, that there is an ever a presence of guidance to a better version of ourselves through our 'brothers' and we should be grateful and appreciate every person that comes into our lives.
A wise teacher knows he or she  becomes a student before his/her students. In the presence of every moment we are ever discovering a new dynamic about ourselves - its just a matter of being open to this dynamic and be willing to the Presence.

Anchor Card
 2 of Earth
Capricorn in Jupiter = Business; Jupiter's power here in this strong Earth sign is expressed through ambition. The energy here is, that you will achieve success but it will be achieved gradually and through discipline. You are able to conserve your energy but also be able to share your energy lavishly when you have to.
#2 represents Strong Spiritual feelings. Duality of Man, The need to part of a couple and also the number of intuition.

So when we meet with a brother/sister, we have to consider the energy we see in this person, and consider what energy it is we are holding within ourselves that this person is expressing to us.
The fairy stands alone, yet is met with the energy of duality. We are alone yet we have to consider the energy we are sharing with another.

9 of Water
You in your own glory here. #9 represents our ideals, ambition and responsibility and this is determined by what you think and how you create pertaining to your emotions.

Jupiter in Pisces endows you with the power to appeal to the emotions of others.

2 of Air = Moon in Libra: heightened awareness of your environment and those around you. Your reaction to anything unpleasant is to deny it or if its not possible to do so, you try to see the silver lining in the situation. The energy here is an open mind that tries to evaluate the world rationally. The energy of the #2 and the Moon allows you to understand another's point of view.

So lets say, these 2 unicorns are looking at each other, there is rationality from the air Element, and a fair sense of understanding from the Moon energy.  On the one hand, they are jousting with their horns, trying to hold onto their core beliefs and deny the other's point of view - or - they are after all, understanding one another and making a real connection - understanding themselves through one other - this is what we need to aim for, this connection. This brotherhood brings us closer to our Higher Selves.

6 of Earth = Taurus in Moon = Security. The little fairy is very happy here balancing the golden energy that is his gained from understanding himself through others - there is more reward in engaging with the Sonship through your Brothers - "learn first from them and you will be ready to hear God"

#6 represents creativity or destruction - if you can choose to understand yourself through your brothers or sisters, you gain so much more knowledge, if however, you decide to deny your brothers/sisters - you may have the riches you desire but knowledge will elude you and you will be alone (9 of Water)

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

A Course in Miracles

VI. The rewards of God

In Paragraph 2, its written that we are indebted to our brothers, and that acting egoistically towards each other we are throwing away the 'graciousness of our indebtedness and the holy perception it would produce' - what does this mean?

 I pulled the Page Of Earth and this is what I understood - we are 'pages' (youths) in the Kingship of the Divine,
we are still learning and in service of the the Divine.
"how can I serve?" How can I serve you God? How can I serve you in your Kingship of Divine?
(I learned from Wayne Dryer that we should always ask "how can I serve?")
So the indebtedness = to be in service of my brother... to act from a place of unconditional love towards my brothers, this service will undoubtedly allow knowledge to flow through us.
The next card I pulled was the Empress - she is serving the animal kingdom here - in service to mother nature, and what is so beautiful to me, is that she is in honour of her duty, she is holding a golden staff, the animals are surrounding her, abundance surrounds her - the waterfall behind her is knowledge flowing.

CIM: "as you learn how much you are indebted to the whole Sonship, you come as close to knowledge as perception can. The gap is then so small that knowledge can easily flow across it and obliterate it forever."

With this read and said, I pulled the Emperor - amazing - 
being 'in service' to our brothers means we rise above our ego and we are able to be blessed, knowledge flows through us and we become leaders of our domain, we gain structure and discipline; graciousness; through this knowledge that flows through us when we open ourselves to be 'In Service' of our brothers.