Now that I can't do massage, I am focusing on my other passion, which is Card Reading and my boyfriend is PUSHING ME with hard words of encouragement to start reading for money already.
He is left and I am right... I am spiritual, creative and holistic - I'm thinking about creative ways to be of service, I feel I need to take my time with this. He is plain logic - if he thinks it can be done then it should have been done long time ago!
I feel I will be guided at the right moment - by no means am I sitting and doing nothing, I am getting as much information as I can about my new venture; reading and sifting through information, but then I am also thinking - can he be right, have I been wasting time?
So with all this going down, I have to now think "what is my boyfriend telling me that I need to tell myself here?"
I can begin to focus on that which is wanting and that which is not.
I am wanting to be full throttle ahead and driven by my ambition, I want it to be done in perfect and divine time.
There is no doubt in my mind that it will not be done! my online business will happen. My boyfriends hard words of encouragement is helping me send rockets of desire into my vortex - I just have to get into vibrational alignment.... and this is the thing that has not happened yet.
To understand the situation a little better. I am going to shuffle my cards and search for the 2 Of Air, the card to the right will be me and the left my boyfriend/reflection.
left right
On the Right: 7 of Fire: Mars in Leo.
I posses the force and drive to put things into action. I can be impulsive and hot blooded, me reacting to my inner knowing will not serve me well. It is safe for me to stay true to my beliefs, I will still do all the research and you-tubing I can, but it is time for me now to take action.
In conclusion:
There was no fight with my 'reflection' - through my boyfriend came my understanding that I already know what to do - take action, get into vibrational alignment and be true to myself in the process. This is my moment.
(the 2 of Air is also means "Lord of Peace Restored" from Tarot and Astrology - The Moon graces Libra with a gift of reflection, acceptance and understanding)