Saturday, December 3, 2011

Root Chakra

chakra wheel of root-support and cohesion

In this lotus is the square of Earth, surrounded by eight shining spears. It is a shining, yellow and beautiful like lightning, as the seed-sound Lam which is within
Sat Cakra Nirupana

This is the first chakra and lies in the subtle body at the base of the spine.
It ensures our physical existence and is the anchor of physical knowledge and survival, the element of Earth reigns within this chakra, thus it brings together the spiritual and the material.
The root chakra is linked to basic survival instincts, it is connected to primal feelings and is the prime mover behind the "fight-flight" reaction.....Gerber, Vibrational Medicine.
To be aware, is to be tactile..... nothing happens until it happens in the 1st chakra and nothing has happened until we feel it in a tactile way.......Rosalyn L. Bruyere, Wheels of Light.
It regulates our physical existence and our needs. No matter how little money we have, we can be mindful of the importance of the beauty in our homes. the more uplifted we are by our environment, the more creative and fulfilled we will be.
  • I value the material world and my body as chalices for spirit
  • I strive to be nonattached to my belongings
  • I look beyond outer appearances to the inner essence
  • I honour the sacred in nature and apply its lessons to my life
  • I honour, respect and nurture the feminine in myself and others
Signs of  imbalance of the base chakra: Lack of energy; stiffness and painful movement in hips, legs and feet; feeling uncomfortable with own body; poor circulation (base chakra has a relationship with the circulatory system and blood supply); lack of drive or motivation; an imbalance may also cause excessive tension or excitability, with a continual need for stimulation.

Sitting in the Lotus position, envision red light entering your body as you take deep breathes in and out, see the red light circulating around your base chakra. Breathe in deeply and as you breathe out make the seed-sound syllable Lam: this helps create a block against our energy descending beneath our foundations and encourages concentration.

I AM the resurrection and the life
of every cell and atom of my being
now made manifest

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