The Star:
She speaks about hopes, desires, dreams and visions. She inspires us to "wish upon a star". She foretells improvement, healing and changes for the better.
She is ruled by Aquarius ♒ the water-bearer: dispensing a gift that flows freely and equally to all, representing creation and the giving of life.
Body Part ruled by ♒: Circulatory system,
The Circulatory System
It is a network consisting of blood, blood vessels and the heart. It supplies the tissues in the body with oxygen and other nutrients, transports hormones and removes unnecessary waste products.
•Spiritually it represents the ability to feel and express the emotions in positive ways.
•Experiencing circulatory problems means you suppress feeling positive as you have made negative associations with joy and positive emotions.
•Your life feels unsupported and you feel challenged when confronted with responsibilities.
•People in your life project what kind of support you need, causing you to feel controlled and frustrated.
•You feel safest when isolated from others. its challenging for you to express your needs.
The Ankles:
They represent the ability to receive pleasure.
Our ankles and feet are used to physically and emotionally move forward. Feeling any sort of restraint on the ankles is an indication of fear of consequences related to change.
The Star card, is encouraging you to step forward and allow for change.
Your abilities to make decisions may have been suppressed in your past by people who you looked up to, who didn't support your decisions, leaving you to doubt your abilities to be successful and make changes easily.
We are Spirits having a Human Experience; look up to the stars and know you are supported and guided. Allow yourself the opportunity to be guided by your Inner Spirit. It is easier said than done, but the step forward can be liberating and refreshing 😇
You deserve to rejoice in life and accept the pleasures life has to offer.
The front lower leg between knee and ankle.
They represent the standards we have set for our lives.
Experiencing shin-splints or discomfort in this area means you don't feel worthy of your ideal standards. You feel weak and you don't want others to see your weaknesses.
Failure is not an option to you, and thus have placed immense pressure on yourself to achieve your goals, and denying your personal needs.
An aspect of your personality feels like a fraud and you fear of being caught out and rejected.
Ignore those voices of doubt and down-talk, you are perfect exactly where you are standing right now. You are living up to your highest standards, do so with love and joy 💚
Massage Tip:
Concentrate this week on your legs, especially ankles and shins. Massage in general improves the body's Circulatory System, deep Effleurage helps to move blood around, it speeds it up where circulation is slow, and slows it down where it is going too fast.
Massaging the ankles and shins stimulates and balances the Stomach, Spleen, Bladder and Kidney Meridians, it helps to bring balance where there are imbalances. A meditative state where the mind is still, can accelerate the body to heal itself. Continual thoughts of worry and anxiety is taxing on the body. Live from your Spirit, detach from limiting believes and wish upon a star ⭐
Meridian: Emotional Imbalance: Physical Imbalance: When Balanced:
Stomach Anxiety, worry, mistrust, abdominal pain, Fairness, openness, caring.
poor confidence. digestive problems.
Spleen Worry, strong concern of Digestive and stomach Fairness, openness, deep
others opinions, problems. thinking and reminiscence,
low self-esteem. self-esteem.
Bladder Lack of energy, fearful, headaches, backaches, Hopeful, looking forward,
inflexibility, resisting urinary problems. calm and peaceful.
Kidney fear, paranoia, loneliness, abdominal pain. Wisdom, rationality, clear
depression, insecurity. perception, gentleness,
self understanding.
Louise Hay: you can heal your life.
Evette Rose: Metaphysical Anatomy, vol. 1
The Body Meridians